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We seek to facilitate change in our community in six ways

Impact Theme: HOUSING

We provide quality, affordable, carefully-managed housing

We are working towards:

  • Increasing numbers of affordable rental housing units
  • Increasing number of affordable houses, including Co-living units
  • Increasing affordable homeownership
  • Preserving housing affordability through establishment of or participation in a Community Land Trust
Web goal 11

Aligned with sustainable development goal: 11 sustainable cities and communities

Equity local economy petal

Aligned with one planet living principle: equity and local economy



We develop affordable commercial properties and social enterprises to ensure economic opportunity for the citizens of our neighbourhood.

We are working towards:

  • Increasing jobs created/brought into the neighbourhood
  • Increasing dollars spent in the community
  • Increasing wealth and financial stability in the community
  • Decreasing the poverty rate
  • Decreasing unemployment rate
e web goal 01
e web goal 09 (1)

Aligned with sustainable development goal: 1 no poverty; 9 decent work & economic growth

Equity local economy petal

Aligned with one planet living principle: equity and local economy


Impact Theme: COMMUNITY

We partner with the city and non-profit organizations to offer relevant services and amenities.

We are working towards

  • Establishment of “Mooney’s Bay Village” …a non-profit health and wellness organization that will develop/support programming for older adults to remain safe and independent in their homes with purpose, choices and relationships that contribute to healthier, happier lives.
e web goal 03 (1)

Aligned with sustainable development goal: 3 good health and wellbeing

health happiness petal rgb (1)

Aligned with one planet living principle: health and happiness; local and sustainable food;


Impact Theme: HEALTH & SAFETY

We invest in infrastructure and programming to improve health outcomes.

We are working towards:

  • Establishment of non-profit health and wellness organizations/programs for the Mooney’s Bay neighbourhood that will develop/support programming in the area of primary health care, food security (Brookfield Community Food Cupboard), recreation, education and other areas based on the SDGs and the Social Determinants of Health.
e web goal 02
e web goal 03 (1)
e web goal 04

Aligned with sustainable development goal: 2 no hunger; 3 good health and wellbeing; 4 good education

health happiness petal rgb (1)
local sustainable food petal rgb

Aligned with one planet living principle: health and happiness; local and sustainable food;


Impact Theme: ARTS & CULTURE

We look to support local artists through the development and preservation of artists spaces and the commissioning of public arts projects.

We are working towards

  • Increasing public art projects
  • Developing affordable, creative spaces
  • Increasing arts programming and instruction
e web goal 09 (1)
Web goal 11

Aligned with sustainable development goal: 9 industry, innovation and infrastructure; 11 sustainable cities and communities

culture community petal rgb

Aligned with one planet living principle: culture and community;



We look to provide opportunities to under-represented groups via our team, vendors and suppliers, and our neighbourhood residents.

We are working towards:

  • Creating teams that are a mix of demographics, skills and experiences
  • Developing a robust social procurement strategy that ensures inclusion and diversity in all of our activities
e web goal 10

Aligned with sustainable development goal: 10 reduced inequalities

Equity local economy petal

Aligned with one planet living principle: equity and local economy